TXYZ in ArXiv Labs: Boost of Academic Reading with AI-Powered Assistance

Dec 18, 2023

TXYZ in ArXiv Labs: Boost of Academic Reading with AI-Powered Assistance

ArXiv is a popular place for researchers. We often spend a significant amount of time digesting a paper. Now, the TXYZ plugin, chosen by ArXiv Lab, has been validated to help readers efficiently access paper information. So, how do we use TXYZ in ArXiv? Just follow a few simple steps.

  1. Find any paper on ArXiv you are interested in

  2. Click “Demos”

  3. Enable TXYZ.AI by clicking the button in front

  4. Click “Chat with this paper at txyz.ai”

  5. Enjoy and have fun!

Enjoy engaging discussions with our AI assistant on txyz.ai — transforming the way you comprehend research papers!